
Magento Ecommerce Strategy, Design & Development

Magento Cron configuration

Magento Settings: System >> Configuration >> System > ‘Cron (Scheduled Tasks)’ tab.

  • Generate schedules every: 60
  • Schedule ahead for: 1
  • Missed if not run within: 60
  • History cleanup every: 120
  • Success history lifetime: 120
  • Failure history lifetime: 120
$ crontab -e 
# Execute the Magneto cron every 15 minutes
*/15 * * * * /bin/sh /path/to/magento/cron.sh 
These settings allow Magento to generate and clean schedules within a 2-hour time frame.

Get a Magento table name or custom table name

So you want to get the table name that is declared in the xml and you are not in an upgrade/install script.

If you were in an upgrade/install script you could just use: 

$tbl = $this->getTable('catalog/product');

In any other page you can use:

$tbl = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('catalog/product');

If this will return: catalog_product_entity

This works with any declaration that is set in the xml!

Setting up Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 12.10 server for Magneto using NFS

This is all the steps and details i used to create an instance of a web server to be used for a Magento Website.

1 - Start a m3.xlarge instance

2 - Make sure its part of a security group that has Ports 80, 443 open to all

3 - Add a SSH port execption for your IP

4 - Assign an Elastic IP to each new instance

5 - Get the ssh details from Connect Instance in the Amazon control panel and ssh into the device(s)

6- Change the date/time of the server

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Magento Form Validation

Magento form validation, text validation, url validation

Validation using Magento Adminhtml forms. Validate class and its error message that found in prototype library.

  1. validate-select = Please select an option.
  2. required-entry = This is a required field.
  3. validate-number = Please enter a valid number in this field.
  4. validate-digits = Please use numbers only in this field. please avoid spaces or other characters such as dots or commas.
  5. validate-alpha = Please use letters only (a-z or A-Z) in this field.
  6. validate-code = Please use only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) or underscore(_) in this field, first character should be a letter.
  7. validate-alphanum = Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) only in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.
  8. validate-street = Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) or spaces and # only in this field.

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Slow email or slow account creation from new magento

If you have a new magento installation, and you notice that the join process takes a very long time to complete, your sendmail is probably the source.

Some new servers dont have sendmail setup properly and you need to adjust a few things.

For slow email from the app, edit 3 files.
1)  /etc/resolv.conf, add search whateveryourdomainnameis.com in before the nameservers.

[root@Web1 etc]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search winetapsocial.com

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Magento collection using OR for addFieldToFilter

Lets say you wanted sql that looked something like:

SELECT `main_table`.*,`main_table`.`email` AS `invitation_email`,`main_table`.`group_id` AS `invitee_group_id` FROM `enterprise_invitation` AS `main_table` WHERE ((status ='new') OR (customer_id ='1234'))

In order to achieve this, your collection needs to be formatted like this:

$collection =Mage::getModel('enterprise_invitation/invitation')->getCollection(); $collection->addFieldToFilter(array('status','customer_id'), array( array('status','eq'=>'new'), array('customer_id','eq'=>'1234')));

Now to see what this looks like you can always echo the query that this creates by using

echo $collection->getSelect()->__toString();